Well: I would pay you $90.00 an hour
That's if you knew them WELL

At that level, "using" them is not enough.
You have to be able to "make them".
Actually, to get that kind of money, I would expect you to know VBA and
AppleScript as well. But I would pay you $75.00 without it.
No, you will not find very many "Word Processing" businesses in the Yellow
Pages any longer. They are the old "Typing Bureau" operations, and no-one
needs that any longer. Most of Generation X can use a keyboard, and all of
Gen Y can actually type. With their thumbs...
What you will find is "Technical Writing", "Pre-Publishing", "Graphics
Design", "Desktop Publish", "Typesetting" and "Layout". Same thing, but the
more technical aspects of the game.
No business will pay $120 an hour (by the time I put my modest margin on
top...) to have you sit there pounding a keyboard. They can do that
But they will hire me (or YOU...) to get a 5,230-page document in colour
direct to press from Microsoft Word ON TIME. The last one I handled like
that was a tender bidding for 500 million worth of business. Tenders have a
deadline. You miss the deadline by 60 seconds, and your bid is not
considered. At all. Do not pass "Go". Go home
Companies will cheerfully pay more than $120 an hour for someone who can
guarantee to meet that deadline. But it's a "no prisoners" game. If you
are 13 minutes from the deadline and your file corrupts, your competitors
will find out if you REALLY know the game