Mouse does not respond properly in Word 2007


Tim in Golden

My mouse is not responding properly in Word 2007. I cannot select text. I
cannot click in a document to change the position of the cursor. I cannot
select certain options in some dialog boxes (such as one that comes up for
Word Options). Other concurrent problem: When I try to use MathType 6 (an
add-in?), which has it's own ribbon, I receive an error. Does anyone know how
to fix this? I have uninstalled/reinstalled, run Office Diagnostics. Nothing
seems to work. A search on the web reveals that others have this problem, but
I have not come across a fix.

Jay Freedman

Try disabling all add-ins by starting Word with the /a switch
( At least one
add-in that causes the mouse to stop working has been written up
( and there are probably others. If
that does fix the problem, then you have to isolate which of your add-ins is
at fault and remove it -- the /a switch is only for troubleshooting, not a
permanent fix.

For help with MathType, visit and look in the TechNotes
section, or email for support.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Tim in Golden

This led me in the right direction. I disabled (uninstalled) Adobe Acrobat 8
first since other postings on the web seemed to indicate that it could be the
culprit. But this did not solve the problem. Then I uninstalled SnagIt 7, and
the problem was resolved. Thank you for the info and on how to start Word
with the /a switch so I could access the info I needed.

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