Mouse over may solve MY problem but...


Dr. Thom

Publisher 2003 - completely current with updates.
I want people visiting my site to be able to right-click on an image and
"Save Image As..." so they can have a copy of their own. Currently I must use
thumbnals and hyperlink the actual image to open in a new window in order to
do that, because PUB embeds everything with a copy of the photo even if it's
a linked photo.

The mouse over solution snipet below looks like it would do exactly what I
want in addition to the mouse over stuff.
<IMG SRC="" ALT="Whatever you
want the alt tag to say" border="0" width="120" height="60">

Now I know how to insert a single code fragment but I don't know how to
insert multiple and nearly identical code fragments that are each tied to a
different picture frame window object. I need to know HOW TO DO THIS if this
is the case or I need to know just how to do it to make this snipet work.

Or am I actually putting this snipet in the hyperlink for each object in
which case I already know what to do? (I think)

Do not take offense but please do not responsd with URL answers like the
I don't know what you guys see when you click them but I've clicked 37
similar but different links like this and they are all EXACTLY the same and I
have yet to find a single item that anyone has made reference to involving
any of those URL's.

I already spent 3 days following empty leads here so please just help me
with a straight up answer. I will be very very grateful for the help!




Yes, if you import an image to your Pub 2003 webpage, that image can be
right clicked and saved. And yes, you can use the code snippet to import the
pictures, though you probably do not need to use the border, width or height

As you are already using thumbs to link to full sized images, then I would
also assume that you have created a subfolder called "images" on your
webhost and uploaded the sized and optimized images you want to import. So
the only thing you have left to do is to insert the code snippet for each
image that you want to import, and size the code fragment box the same size
as the image.

<IMG SRC="" ALT="Whatever you
want the alt tag to say">

Just change out your URL for the whitebay URL, and change the name of the
jpg to the name of your jpg. And yes, you insert a different code fragment
for each picture.

As per the links not giving you the information you seek, David Bartosik
moved his material, and that is why those links no longer work. Try to access his material in the future.


Dr. Thom


Thank you!!! Yes, my site is setup as you described. I did not realized that
just putting the snipet in the Insert Code Fragment Diaglog was the only
thing I needed to do.

For others trying this I would suggest making a rectangle object that is the
size of the final photo. Put the little snipet box inside the rectangle and
then group them with the upper left corners together for correct orientation.
Since the physical size of the snipet box has no effect on the size of the
image this gives me a visual referance for aligning all the photos on the
page. Besides, code fragment objects don't have any format options. (That I
could find anyway).

I now have a new import JPG snipet object in my library and it has mouse
over text (tool tip) as a bonus.

Thanks for the new link. That was really frustrating. Thanks for solving my
problen with a BONUS too!

For the curious: At , go to the 2006 Reunion page and
you can see my experiments with hyperlinks opening in new windows with the
top 3 photos and the More info.. button on the 3rd photo on the top row will
open a page that shows a photo using the mouse over snipet code fragment
method. I used the rectanle object to give me a think black border around the

Thanks AGAIN!



Thanks for posting back. It looks like you were pretty creative in the way
you organized things, along with the use of JavaScript etc. In the future,
if you want a border around an image that you are importing, then add the
border="0" back into the code snippet, and change the 0 for a 1...or higher
if you want a thicker border.

Also, if all your family have broadband connections, then it is not so
important, but otherwise, you might want to resize and optimize your images
before you insert them into your Pub doc, or before you import them. Some of
your images never did load they were so large. Or, in the Publisher doc, at
least use the compress graphics option.



I don't know if what I have been doing with earlier versions of Publisher
will work with Pub 2003. Maybe you can let me know...
I insert a photo normally, then link it to a full resolution jpg in my image
folder, ie: URL/image/myphoto.jpg
When people click on the inserted, reduced resolution image, it pops open
the full resolution photo for them to see, and then allows them to right
click to download it. Then they back arrow to go back to library of photo
Can I still do this with Pub 2003?


Dr. Thom

My answer would be yes! As a rule, anything that opens in the SAME browser
window will allow you to use the Back arrow or previous page button. There
sre ways to prevent it but that's unusual.

I have different issues at my website, and most were
solved with the same or very similar techniques. First I wanted the user to
be able to pick and choose the images they wanted to save (there are a bunch)
AND I needed each image to display additional information so I put the FIX on
a seperate page and then linked my thumbnail pic to that page. (See the
Reunion Page).

One the Funeral page I only needed to show the image itself since it
contained all it's own information.

One both pages though I wanted the user to be able to stay on that page AND
display additional page content in seperate windows that would always stay on
top of the main page.

It was only a fluke of good luck that I was able to have a Pop-Up window;
then make it stay on top at a fixed location (keep it's Focus), get the user
savable image feature AND as a bonus I also got Tooltips or mouse over hover

Now you know why I'm so happy!!! These features are the most requested "How
to" questions in any Publisher forum and I finally got them.



Sorry, I know the back arrow will bring me back to the previous page. What I
was asking was, would using the link on a picture to open the full
resolution photo, can people right click on that jpg and download it?


Dr. Thom

Yes you can save the images. Depending on your IE Browser version, just
clicking on the image itself will cause a Toolbar to appear ON the image
without any programing from you. There is a Save Image icon on that IE
Toolbar and an image ZOOM box in the lower right corner among other tools.

Normally you don't want the back page option on a popup window or the
window's Toolbar either and I don't have it though I could. Popups are
usually for specific item display. I have toolbars=no set in one of my
snipets which turns the browser window's toolbar off. I do not believe that
<IMG SRC= has that option since it's an image control, not a window control.
Also, unless you REUSE the same popup window, (which I do), there is nothing
to go back to so it would not take you anywhere.

To see what I mean; Go to any website and right click on a link. Select Open
in a New Window and then click the Back button. You can't, it's ghosted.
Nothing to go back to.

Why would you want to go back on a popup? The page that triggered it is
still there and visible where you left it.

Take a look at my sight and then tell me what it does or doesn't do that you
want and I'll give you the snipets that I think will solve your problem. If I
can do it that is...


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