Mouse over Tab under Action Settings...



I had a wonderful interactive PPT presentation created in Windows 2000
whereby one could navigate to specific slides by mousing over specific
objects in any given slide - made it look like a hyperlinked webpage. The
presentation was designed so that each slide contained the same background
image so that a mouse over on any slide where contact with this object would
send it back to the home slide. Then visually transparent objects laid on
top of this main image would point to specific slides with visible objects
overlaid on the same common background image.

Now in Windows XP this presentation no longer functions properly. The
behaviour now is such that with some objects, the mouse over works as
expected, but then the next mouse over results in no response - just sits

Anybody know what's going on here?

Thurlowe Riley

Send me a copy of your presentaion and i would be glad to look at the code
for you.

Echo S

Alex, I see that you've mentioned which version of Windows, but what we also
need to know here is what version of PPT the presentation was created in (on
Windows 2000, I see), and what version of PPT you're playing it in now (on
Windows XP).

The issue could be with the transparent objects (It's either PPT 2003 or PPT
2003 Viewer that has an issue with 100% transparent or no-line/no-fill
objects.), but I'm having a hard time following what objects are giving you
trouble and what objects aren't. If you can give specifics on that -- maybe
compare two objects, one that works and one that doesn't, and include info
on the mouse-over settings for each as well as the line/fill/transparency
settings, etc.

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