Ronx said:
If the large image is replacing the small image, it will share the
same width and height as the small image. If it is being displayed
elsewhere - a different place in the page or in a new window - then
the dimensions are probably being set by the JavaScript function. We
would need to see the content of that function.
And the page still does not
exist for anyone to look at.
Thank you for picking me up on that
I did mean that the larger image should open somewhere else. But I didn't
think to say so (says he shamefacedly).
I agree that we need to see the page.
Below is what I use on my page : (with thanks
to others whose scripts I have used, slightly amended, and who will
recognise them)
The same image is used, but when first displayed, it has height = "80". The
larger one is full size, with the window size adjusted to suit.
Click on the top left or top right image on the home page to see it working.
<a href='#'
onclick="newWindow('images/display/trevor.jpg','Trevor');return false;">
<img src="images/display/trevor.jpg" alt="" title='Click to see a larger
picture' height="80" />
The functions are
function newWindow(img,caption)
var imageToLoad = new Image()
new function testit()
{ imageToLoad.src = img
// we need a little pause while the script gets the image since the
image is on the server,
// or the browser will open the window and write the script before the
image is cached,
// which causes the script to write zeros for the resizeto dimensions.
function loadit()
var h = imageToLoad.height,
w = imageToLoad.width
if (h == 0)
( 'picture.html?picture=' + img
+ '&caption=' + caption
+ '&height=' + h
+ '&width=' + w
, '_blank'
, h + 50, w, 'center', '0', 'pixel')
} // end loadit()
} // end testit()
function spawnJimcoPopup(url, name, options, h, w, x, y, scaleType)
var newWindow
if (scaleType == 'percent')
{ h = (h * screen.availHeight) / 100
w = (w * screen.availWidth) / 100 }
if (x == 'center')
x = (screen.availWidth - w) / 2
if (y == 'center')
y = (screen.availHeight - h) / 2
options += ',width=' + w + ',height=' + h
+ ',left=' + x + ',top=' + y
newWindow =, name, options)
Trevor L.
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