Mouse Pointers


Roy Lasris

One of the properties options for a command button is a great big list of
different types of mouse pointers that will display when the cursor is run over
the button. As luck would have it, the one that I want (the "hand" -- or maybe
better, the "finger" -- pointer finger, that is) isn't in the list. As
ubiquitous as the finger is in daily operation, I am curious (1) why it's not
one of the choices and (2) can I still call it via "Custom Pointer (#99).


Word Heretic

G'day (e-mail address removed) (Roy Lasris),

1) MS do not have a Q process worth discussing

2) WTF R U talking about Willis? :)

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See

steve from (Email replies require payment)

Roy Lasris reckoned:

Roy Lasris

I'll speak more slowly.

I have created a UserForm via VBA for Word. On the UserForm, I have placed a
button. I want to assign a particular mouse style to become active when I hover
over the button. I don't want the default cursor (the arrow that points
top-left) or any other ones listed. Rather I want the cursor that looks like
the little hand with the index finger extended that I see in just about every
program with which I have worked. It simulates that the button over which the
cursor is hovering is ready to be pushed.

When I click the Properties screen associated with the button, one of the
options is "MousePointer." I figured that's where I would find the 'hand' that
I am looking for. Underneath that option is a list of optional mouse styles.
None of them are what I want.

How can I get the mousepointer that I want to show when the cursor hovers over
that button?

Word Heretic

G'day (e-mail address removed) (Roy Lasris),

<shrugs> AFAIK you cant use anything but what's there. Sorry for being
so thick.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See

steve from (Email replies require payment)

Roy Lasris reckoned:

Keith Miller

Set the mousepointer property to custom and the MouseIcon to "C:\windows\cursors\h_arrow.cur"


Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi Keith,

I think you meant

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

Keith Miller

No, I meant h_arrow.cur. It was the first one I found when browsing, but I do have harrow.cur as
well. They seem identical.

Directory of c:\windows\cursors

08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 harrow.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 hcross.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 326 help_i.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 help_il.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 help_im.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 help_l.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 help_m.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 326 help_r.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 help_rl.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 help_rm.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 hibeam.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 hmove.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 hnesw.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 hnodrop.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 hns.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 hnwse.cur
08/23/2001 06:00 AM 766 hwe.cur
04/11/2002 09:47 AM 766 h_arrow.cur
04/11/2002 09:47 AM 766 h_beam.cur
04/11/2002 09:47 AM 766 h_cross.cur
04/11/2002 09:47 AM 766 h_move.cur
04/11/2002 09:47 AM 766 h_nesw.cur
04/11/2002 09:47 AM 766 h_no.cur
04/11/2002 09:47 AM 766 h_ns.cur
04/11/2002 09:47 AM 766 h_nwse.cur
04/11/2002 09:47 AM 766 h_we.cur
26 File(s) 19,036 bytes
0 Dir(s) 23,347,519,488 bytes free


Jean-Guy Marcil


I do not have any of the "h_..." series.
I guess you have installed something that added a slightly different
variation of the hand series...

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:


Actually, gentlemen, and while I thank you greatly, these are not the cursors
of which I speak. The harrow and h_arrow cursors have a half a forearm (and
sleeves) on them. The one I seek is the one with just the hand that is 'cut
off' above the wrist. Hover over any button on this page. That's the cursor I
am seeking. It it the one that (I think) is most commonly associated with a
button push. The h(_)arrow is really more like an arrow (as its name implies.)

Thanks for all of you help, but I am still hoping that I can find the 'hand'



Maybe, but it must be going by a different name. That one is not on my system.
I can see icons representing all of the available cursors in my
"c:\windows\cursors" path, and none of them are "the hand." It must be
somewhere else. Very strange.

Thanks for responding.


Keith Miller

Open regedit, navigate to this key:

"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Cursors"

what is the data for the value named 'hand'?



I already looked there, to no avail. There is not an entry for hand, only
Standard, Large and ExtraLarge. Standards value is
",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," (yep, just a bunch of commas.

Large reads like this

but there is no hand. When I do regular Contro Panel and then mouse and then
Pointers, an entry called "Link Select" displays the correct 'hand.' I tried a
search in the registry for "link select" and "linkselect" but found nothing.

I really do have that hand (the one I have been looking for) visible when I
hover over just about any button, I just cannot figure out where it came from.


Keith Miller

Pretty sure the default hand is llinksel.cur. Try searching entire drive(s) for *.cur.


Keith Miller

Well, did some googling & it turns out that the default cursors for windows (i.e. scheme = (none))
aren't stored as .cur files, but as resources in user32.dll. You can view & extract them with a
resource editor. Didn't know if you had one so I'm e-mailing you the cursor I extracted.

If you do some googling, you can also use api calls to get the current link select cursor for the
system and display that (in case your user has a custom cursor scheme & you want to be in sync with
his choices).



Wow. That we really nice of you. Thanks for all the help. I'll do some
reading about this stuff as you suggest. Thanks again.


Keith Miller

Your welcome. I know more about cursors than when this discussion started, so we both benefited.
That's the fun of newsgroups!!! :)


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