Hi Amy,
Unfortunately for you the poster posted to more than one newsgroup.
You could search on the posters email address but like yours it is
not unqiue so that can be frustrating both in looking for someone else's postings or
for looking for your own if the email address is not unique..
Your problem is not the same as the original poster -- he reported in this
thread the actual cause was the spring inside the mouse from the hint
that he had a stuck mouse button. I doubt that your mouse button is stuck
-- I think it would also show up on rebooting as a stuck key, if it were..
It is not necessary to shut down your computer, the worst that you
would have to do is shut down Excel.
Ctrl+Alt+Del then task manager, terminate Excel
But that is hardly ever necessary,. Take a look at
The other thread can be found through Google Groups, since
"Frank Kabel" noted that the poster
posted more than one place -- I will search on his name instead
of the original poster. I can serach on his name since it is unique
or on email address which is valid and therefor definitely unique.
I had to limit date range to 4 days and include the word mouse.
http://google.com/[email protected]
Because the poster posted in multiple places there is no continuity
between the two threads so others do not have the benefit of previous
replies. In addition the original poster did not summarize what was in
each thread and what his real proble was in both threads so everyone
loses on the multiposting. For him it was a spring inside the
mouse which he reported in this trhead. For you I expect it is different
problem see my page
If you have a mouse wheel I would suggest changing the wheel
button to Enter -- much more useful than the default. Don't know
if it will help eliminate the actual elusive problem, but there are lots
of suggestions to try and the same solution may not work the next
time you have the problem..