Mouse Wheel Fix


David Veeneman

This posting is for the Google crawler-- no response is required.

The mouse wheel doesn't work in VBA if you use a current version of
Intellipoint software. There are several fixes out there; several of these
fixes run as processes, with an icon in the system tray.

As a matter of general principle, I don't like running system processes to
patch applications. So I found a Microsoft fix that runs as a VBA add-in.
The fix is documented at Microsoft Knowledge Base, Article ID 837910.
Special VBA instructions appear midway through the article. The process is
to copy a DLL to the target computer, register the DLL, then run a Registry
merge file included with the DLL to make the fix show up as a VBA add-in.
Note that both steps must be followed; the DLL must be registered first,
then the merge file (VBA Mouse Wheel Fix.reg) is run.

David Veeneman
Foresight Systems
Chicago USA

Karl E. Peterson

David said:
This posting is for the Google crawler-- no response is required.

Other than to correct your misinformation.
As a matter of general principle, I don't like running system
processes to patch applications. So I found a Microsoft fix that runs
as a VBA add-in. The fix is documented at Microsoft Knowledge Base,
Article ID 837910. Special VBA instructions appear midway through the
article. The process is to copy a DLL to the target computer,
register the DLL, then run a Registry merge file included with the
DLL to make the fix show up as a VBA add-in. Note that both steps
must be followed; the DLL must be registered first, then the merge
file (VBA Mouse Wheel Fix.reg) is run.

And a lot of folks feel that that's a *lousy* fix, for a number of reasons. Chief
among them being that hooking the IDE is quite perilous, and often causes conflicts
with other add-ins. Also, I don't believe that one works if the code window is in
split mode, and you'd need to separately enable it for each version of VB(A) that you
have installed. All in all, a really crummy response to a problem of *Microsoft* own

Probably the most targetted, and best, utility out there that's specifically for
VB5/6/A is VBScroll ( But it does load into the
system tray. If that's a problem for anyone, another (brand new) option I just
recently came across and am increasingly thinking I'll permanently enable is Wheeler
( Wheeler takes a bit more training, but is *far*
more powerful! VB isn't, by any means, the only application broken with recent
Intellipoint drivers, and this one provides a means to customize any window class.
Wheeler doesn't stay in the tray, either.

Both VBScroll and Wheeler are free.

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