Mouse Wheel


Knut Torgersen

Am I the only one who has noticed that the mouse wheel does not work in VBA?
It is impossible to scroll using the wheel when programming....


Jay Freedman

Knut Torgersen said:
Am I the only one who has noticed that the mouse wheel does not work in VBA?
It is impossible to scroll using the wheel when programming....


You're not the only one who's noticed it, and I've complained about it
several times. It just doesn't seem to get anywhere...


Hmmm, mine works with the exception of the fact that I can't get it to
autoscroll (my term) i.e. click the wheel and let it scroll by itself.
Word2k, MS Intellipoint v3.2

Am I going to be rudely surprised when I upgrade?

Knut Torgersen

Duh, why? The wheel works just about everywhere else BUT in VBA. I can
scroll, I can click the two extra buttons (web page forward or back one
page) etc, etc, etc in every program there is. Well, except for VBA.

Knut Torgersen

One UNIX to rule them all, One Resolver to find them,
One IP to bring them all and in the zone to bind them

Knut Torgersen

Same here. I got some mumbo-jumbo back from mswish "Hi, my name is NN and I
will be your...."

Knut Torgersen

Probably not. I have had the same problem with different mice, different
Word versions, different OS'es ever since (shudder) Windows 95. And both
WITH and WITHOUT installing a new, upgraded driver. I'm now on WinXP Pro,
Office XP, plus Office 2003 - same happening on all.

Knut Torgersen
One UNIX to rule them all, One Resolver to find them,
One IP to bring them all and in the zone to bind them

RWN said:
Hmmm, mine works with the exception of the fact that I can't get it to
autoscroll (my term) i.e. click the wheel and let it scroll by itself.
Word2k, MS Intellipoint v3.2

Am I going to be rudely surprised when I upgrade?


It's as simple as:

I had the same problem as you, I downloaded an optical mouse
driver, installed it and I was able to (wheel)scroll up and down
in VBE ...



Then you may have an old fashion model - or maybe you didn´t configure it.
I´m able to select almost anything/anywhere - of course in VBE as well.

Mark Tangard

I was never able to scroll in the VBE with the MS Intellimouse or, but I
just bought the Intellimouse Optical and it scrolls fine everywhere.
Why that seems to matter, I couldn't say, but opticalness alone isn't
guaranteed to fix it. The IBM Optical Explorer, which I really liked
for its lovingly seductive blue light on the wheel (oh shut up...) never
scrolled in the VB editor either.

Knut Torgersen

Hi, there - thanks for the tip on the drivers. I have already tried that,
actually. I've been in the business since around '95 when I started working
for MS' Nordic PSS department in Sweden (but I'm Norwegian), so
troubleshooting is something I am used to.

For not leaving any stone unturned, I did - again - install new drivers for
my Microsoft Intellimouse Optical webmouse (yeah, well, whatever - five
buttons, including the click feature on the wheel) and the result.... Zip,
zilch, nada, zero - nothing. Oh - I did get a fancy pointer icon on my
desktop. ;-)

As I (more or less) said in another posting here: I have had different mice,
different drivers, different OS'es - and different MS Word versions - all
bring the same great None of the mouse wheels offers any scrolling in

I've been in contact with MSWish to report a bug, and been graciously fended
off as someone who does not know what he's talking about and pointed in the
direction of some PSS tech on the MS Office support. Yes, I did make it
clear that I already had been helping myself to both new drivers, KB
articles and just about anything else I could think of. "Hi, my name is NN
and I will be your MS Wish representative. How may I reject you?" Annoying.


OK, there´s several conf. for the scrolling wheel which can be set to
scrolling ways or to a high number of clicking.
In return, however it performs an annoying everlasting warning that
batteries are nearly empty.

Knut Torgersen

Problem is the fact that my mouse scrolls just fine everywhere, including
Notepad, but not in any of my VBA projects. That's the problem. And as I
said, I have been having this problem ever since the dawn of the mouse
wheel. If I have to configure my mouse wheel in a prticular way for it to
work within the VBE, it qualifies for its own section in the user's manual.
Both Word and the mouse manuals, mind you.

Mark Tangard

How does this help the original poster? There are a LOT of different
wheelmice, some barely configurable at all. And he wasn't asking
anything about battery life (and probably would have mentioned it if
he'd been using a wireless mouse in the first place). "You must have
configured it wrong" is the same kind of assistance as "You shouldn't
have had that 15th beer."

Knut Torgersen

Summary (yes/no question): Did we agree upon the fact that there *is* a
general problem with scrolling in the VB environment?

Word Heretic

G'day "Knut Torgersen" <knut at>,

IMHO its erratic with little rhyme nor reason.

Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at

Lars-Eric Gisslén


I can only agree with that this is general problem. I have 5 computers at
home and scrolling using the weel does NOT work in the VBA editor on any
machine, not even on the machine that is only a few month old. At the job
it's the same problem an all machines. Of all software we have it's only the
VBA editor that does not respond to the mouse weel. The only conlusion I can
come to is that the VBA editor is the problem!

Shauna Kelly

Hi Knut

At home I have what is now an old Logitech mouse and it scrolls in VBA.
At one stage I upgraded its driver, but the "upgrade" meant that I could
not scroll in VBA. So I went back to the old one.

At work I've tried a Dell, two HPs and a Compaq. I don't have the
capacity to experiment with drivers there. Only one of the HPs scrolls
in VBA.

For what it's worth, I've found similar erratic scrolling behaviour with
Lotus Notes, although a mouse that works in VBA does not necessarily
work in Notes. So the problem is not confined to VBA.

So yes, I think that there is a problem.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Jay Freedman

The Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse (USB) doesn't scroll in VBA or in
most windows of Intuit's Quicken 2003. The same is true for the
wireless mouse that comes with the Wacom Graphire tablet.

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