Hi, there - thanks for the tip on the drivers. I have already tried that,
actually. I've been in the business since around '95 when I started working
for MS' Nordic PSS department in Sweden (but I'm Norwegian), so
troubleshooting is something I am used to.
For not leaving any stone unturned, I did - again - install new drivers for
my Microsoft Intellimouse Optical webmouse (yeah, well, whatever - five
buttons, including the click feature on the wheel) and the result.... Zip,
zilch, nada, zero - nothing. Oh - I did get a fancy pointer icon on my
desktop. ;-)
As I (more or less) said in another posting here: I have had different mice,
different drivers, different OS'es - and different MS Word versions - all
bring the same great None of the mouse wheels offers any scrolling in
I've been in contact with MSWish to report a bug, and been graciously fended
off as someone who does not know what he's talking about and pointed in the
direction of some PSS tech on the MS Office support. Yes, I did make it
clear that I already had been helping myself to both new drivers, KB
articles and just about anything else I could think of. "Hi, my name is NN
and I will be your MS Wish representative. How may I reject you?" Annoying.