Mouseover brings up a JPG? How do I do this?



I am working on a webpage for a friend of mine who raises and shows dogs. I
want to show a scanned picture of each dogs pedigree either when you
mouseover the dogs name or the picture. I have played with this and just
cannot figure it out! I can make it where you click on the dog's name and
get a new html page with just the pedigree, of course, but, I would prefer
to just bring up the jpg.

Thanks in advance for your help!



What your are looking for has to do with behaviors, Paul has a nice write
up on his site that uses behaviours with some imagination you can use it to
do what you want (write up concern making a dropdown Nav bar) ... check it

John Jansen \(MSFT\)

You don't mention the version of FrontPage you are using, but if you have
FrontPage 2003:

Insert a layer on your page and place the image inside this layer
Select the text you want to mouseOver
click on Format > Behaviors
Change Property
Use the dialog to choose the DIV (layer) you inserted in step 1 and check
the box to restore onmouseout
Use the Layer properties to set it so that it is initially hidden

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