move a graphic to an exact loction on the page.



In Front Page, how do I move a graphic to an exact location on the page. I
can do this in Word but there is no layout button in Front Page that allows
me to move the graphic where I want to.

Corey Bryant

You need to develop a web page, not design it.

You can use absolute positioning but most would not recommend that. Usually
people use divides to help layout a website. Tables can be used as well
(though they are much better eating dinner on).

How are you laying your site out now?


I already have a web site. I was trying to add some pictures to some of the
pages. My web site is if you want to look at my pages.
I am trying to add the pictures to the Youth Events page.
Gene Carleton

Bob Lehmann

You need to develop a web page, not design it.

What the heck does that mean?

Is it like you need to build a house not design it?

Bob Lehmann

Corey Bryant

It seems you are using tables to help layout your site. Are you also copying
things from word or maybe using the FP drawing tool?

Where do you want another image to appear?

Corey Bryant

it basically means that web pages are developed in text, and people try to
design a web page using adobe photoshop, then come back and try to add things
in HTML which sometimes they find out they cannot do.

If you have worked with a designer in the past who was not familiar with CSS
and designed something and then you tried to re-create it using CSS and HTML,
then you would understand .

Bob Lehmann

If you have worked with a designer in the past who was not familiar with
CSS and designed something and then you tried to re-create it

That is exactly the process in most web firms.

There will typically be some back and forth on the design, but that's how
it's done. If you have worked at a competent shop, then you would

Bob Lehmann

Tom Miller

In Front Page, how do I move a graphic to an exact location on the page. I
can do this in Word but there is no layout button in Front Page that
me to move the graphic where I want to.

True. This is a limitation of the medium rather than the application. Html
does various things with displaying images. Probably the easiest way to
experiment with solving your problem is make a copy of the website page,
saving it under a new name. Then it won't matter if you trash it while
trying to figure out how to make FP do what you want.

Now on the copy of the page your experimenting with, put your cursor before
or after the text you want to insert next to. Use the insert command from
the menu. Follow the prompts to import the image file into your images or
other folder where you want to keep a copy for the website.

You will notice the text may or maynot wrap arround the picture. You can
set that by selecting the picture and poking around in the menu(s) to find
the text wraps around the picture choice.

Hope this helps,


The only way I found to be able to locate a graphic to anywhere on the page
was to create a text box first, import your graphic into that text box,
resize your graphic to fit the box exactly, then you can click and drag the
box to wherever you want it to go. If you have received a better solution, I
would be grateful to hear what it is.


It is not advisable to use text boxes in a web page, unless you know all
your visitors use Internet Explorer 5.5 or later on Windows.
On other browsers the text box (and its contents) will be rendered as a
low quality .gif image, if it is rendered at all. This means that a
quality .jpg photo will appear as rubbish in FireFox.

See for more

Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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