Move activation to new machines



We have four new machines here and need to activate multiple copies of Office
2003 Standard Student Teacher Edition. Previously three copies were
activated on three computers. Two of those computers have been taken out of
service. One copy has been activated on my new machine but will be replaced
with Office 2007 STE. The remaining license will be replaced by Office 2007
STE and one other activation of 2007 will be placed on my wife's machine.
The 2003 editions will be activated on my sons' computers and one spare
laptop. Am I going to run into a terrible problem with this? Can I assume
that all the deactivations / activations will go smoothly? I did the phone
activation of 2003 this morning but the operator was totally unable to answer
any questions about the process.

Bob I

At the worst case you may need to use the phone method of activation.
There is no "deactivation" procedure.


Bob I said:
At the worst case you may need to use the phone method of activation.
There is no "deactivation" procedure.

Then they will be seeing a total of four activations for 2003 when you count
the one I did this morning that is to be replaced by the 2007 edition. Does
this pose a problem? When they give you a new activation could you end up
with four machines on the license violating the license agreement? I'm not
planning to do this but I'm concerned with whether or not it will pose a

Bob I

RedThumb said:

Then they will be seeing a total of four activations for 2003 when you count
the one I did this morning that is to be replaced by the 2007 edition. Does
this pose a problem? When they give you a new activation could you end up
with four machines on the license violating the license agreement? I'm not
planning to do this but I'm concerned with whether or not it will pose a

Pose a problem? No, you may just have to explain what you did, but it's
not a problem.


You simply uninstall from old PC & reinstall on new, if on line activation
fails use phone activation.
The operator is not there to answer tech questions & likely has no tech


You've all been very helpful. Would you indulge me just one more question?
On one machine where I have just activated 2003 and gotten all my settings to
work the way I want them to, I am going to replace that installation with the
2007 edition. Is it preferable to uninstall 2003 first or should/can I
overwrite the installation with the 2007 edition?


did you resolve your issues about the multiple installations for your office?
i'm trying to install office on a second computer, but it keeps asking me to
do it again. also, its taken me an hour to even get here! they simply don't
want to talk to you, even by virtual help! grrrr

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