Move Cells Down



How can I move 3 consecutive cells in a column down one row? I can move them
up one row if it’s blank, but going down drops them 3 rows or none. So I
can move them down 3 and up 2. Would like behavior like Excel’s Insert >
Shift Cells Down.

challa prabhu

Hi Evan;

Do the following:
1. Do one of the following:
• Click the Insert Table icon on the Standard Toolbar and just click one
cell- 4x3 matrixes (i.e. four rows and three columns.
• On the Table menu, point to Insert and then click Table.
• Under the Table size, enter 3 for the Number of column.
• Under the Table size, enter 4 for the Number of rows.
• Click OK
2. Move the mouse pointer to the left of the first column of the Table.
3. Click the left button and select two rows of the table.
4. Right-click the mouse button and then click Insert rows.
You will notice that two new rows are inserted. Based on the number rows
selected before inserting new rows, as many new rows will be inserted in the
table, when you click the Insert. This works the similar like Microsoft Excel
Shift Down feature.

Note: For deleting rows, follow step 3 to step 4..

Challa Prabhu


I’m trying to keep changes in one column only, like

Before After
1 a 1 a
2 b 2
3 c 3 b
4 d 4 c
5 5 d
6 f 6 f

Lene Fredborg

You can do this:
Select the cells that are to be shifted down. Press Ctrl+X to cut the
contents (the cells remain). Then click in the uppermost "target" cell (or
select all the "target" cells) and press Ctrl+V to paste.

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

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