Move data between tables


Paul Axelrod

Several of the fields in my database schedules shipping dates, such as
OrigShipDate, Resched1, Resched2, Ship_Date. There are seveal other
fields that define customer identification date such as Cust_Num,
Cust_Name. There are tables holding specific Customer data and a
table for orders.

I need to move data from this table to another in the same database,
meeting the criteria that if the Ship_Date is more than seven days
ago, move the shipping record.

I have not the slightest idea how to get this to work.

Any non-VBA ideas would be gratefully appreciated.


Ken Snell

You can use an append query to copy data from one table to another.

However, I must ask why you need to "move" data in this case? In a routine
database design, the original table should continue to hold the data
"forever" and you would use a query that selects records that are more than
"7 days ago" if you want to see the records on a form or on a report.

If you can tell us why you want to do what you're asking and what you'll do
with the "moved" data, I'm sure we can identify another approach for you
that won't involve the duplication of your data.

Paul Axelrod

You are of course correct. Thanks.
I have modified my queries and created several new ones to properly
work with the data.
That is why I read the "gettingstarted" group. This is a great Help
Desk as are most of the MVP supported newsgroups. Better than the
company supported one.

Ken Snell

Good luck!

Ken Snell

Paul Axelrod said:
You are of course correct. Thanks.
I have modified my queries and created several new ones to properly
work with the data.
That is why I read the "gettingstarted" group. This is a great Help
Desk as are most of the MVP supported newsgroups. Better than the
company supported one.

"Ken Snell" <[email protected]> wrote in message

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