move files in XP




The following macro takes files that are in one directory, and puts them in a newly created directory. This works in Excel 2000 running on 98, but does not work in Excel 2000 running on XP
(I put a On Error goto line before the rename directory lines, and in XP it jumps and does not create the new directory. In 98 it creates the directory

(Before running this macro, there is a dir called "one" in the "oldname" directory.
I have heard that XP will not create a new diredtory this way
Can anyone tell me how to do this in XP

Thank you very muc

Sub xp98(

Dim OldName As Strin
Dim NewName As Strin
Dim myfolder As Strin

With ThisWorkboo
myfolder = ("one"

OldName = "C:\Fishbowl\Req_Serv\" & myfolde
NewName = "C:\Fishbowl\Solved_Service_Cases\" & myfolde
Name OldName As NewNam

End Wit

End Su

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