Jason Falzon
I am using some vba in excel to display different forms in different sheets.
Workbook has one data entry sheet with a dedicated form. This I manage to
select as I have info on the screen resolution even if it changes and by
selecting a particlar cell I manage to move this form relative to this cell.
The problem is that I have 2 other sheets that are both chart windows.
For each chart window I have a dedicated form that shows up whenever I
switch to that particular sheet.
My problem lies witht the positioning of these 2 forms, since that chart
windows have no cells to refer to.
Is there a way to incorporate screen resolution script (ALREADY HAVE), and
chart window properties to move form to top right hand corner?
Workbook has one data entry sheet with a dedicated form. This I manage to
select as I have info on the screen resolution even if it changes and by
selecting a particlar cell I manage to move this form relative to this cell.
The problem is that I have 2 other sheets that are both chart windows.
For each chart window I have a dedicated form that shows up whenever I
switch to that particular sheet.
My problem lies witht the positioning of these 2 forms, since that chart
windows have no cells to refer to.
Is there a way to incorporate screen resolution script (ALREADY HAVE), and
chart window properties to move form to top right hand corner?