On Tue, 2 Sep 2008 10:17:01 -0700, Secretry CM <Secretry
Can you move your macro setting from one machine to another?
What "macro settings" are you asking about?
If you mean the macros themselves, then you can move them. Macros are usually
saved in templates. If you haven't specified another template (or possibly a
document), they'll be in the Normal.dot template. You can copy the template
containing the macros to a new filename, and move that copy to the other
It's also possible to copy just the macro code from one template to another by
using the Organizer (for which there's a button in the Macros dialog), but that
won't copy any toolbar buttons or keyboard shortcuts you may have assigned to
the macros.
http://www.word.mvps.org/FAQs/MacrosVBA/DistributeMacros.htm for more