Move table column to far right



If I have a selection of rows in the middle of a table and I want a
macro to move them downwards so that they are the last rows in the
table, no matter how big the table is, I can do this with VBA:

NumRows = Selection.Tables(1).Rows.Count
For K = 1 To NumRows
Selection.Range.Relocate wdRelocateDown
Next K

But if I have a column selected and want to move it to the far right of
the table, so it becomes the last column, how can I achieve this easily
in VBA? There does not appear to be a wdRelocateRight or Left

Steve Wylie

Cindy M.

If I have a selection of rows in the middle of a table and I want a
macro to move them downwards so that they are the last rows in the
table, no matter how big the table is, I can do this with VBA:

NumRows = Selection.Tables(1).Rows.Count
For K = 1 To NumRows
Selection.Range.Relocate wdRelocateDown
Next K

But if I have a column selected and want to move it to the far right of
the table, so it becomes the last column, how can I achieve this easily
in VBA? There does not appear to be a wdRelocateRight or Left
You'd have to use Selection.Cut, then select the end of the table and
Selection.Paste. Very roughly

Dim rw as Word.Row
Dim nrCells as Long
Set rw = tbl.Rows(1)
nrCells = rw.Cells.Count
Selection.MoveRight wdCharacter, 1, false

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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