Move Text Box - Visio 2003



I have a drawing that has a box shape around it that has been set to the back
and I want to add text into the box without using another shape. I clicked on
the text tool to enter the text, but it placed the text in middle of my main
box. I need to move the text to the right side of my drawing. I clicked on
the text block tool, but it did not give me the green box around the text or
allow me to move it. The only thing that happens is the main box moves.

What am I doing wrong?

Mark Nelson [MS]

Is this a rectangle shape you drew or some other Visio shape? You might see
if you can first accomplish your task with a rectangle. The Visio shape may
have certain protections that prevent what you want. Normally, you can go
to Format > Text and set the text block alignment to be Top.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

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