Movie Database


Cathy W

Hi. I am trying to create a home based DVD Borrowing system with access.
What a have are 2 tables - a movie table with the list of movies and a
friends table with the names of my friends that borrow movies. I want them
to be able to search for a movie by title and then if it is not borrowed,
then they should go to their name in the friends table and fill in the
borrowing section. My problem is that I don't know how to link the 2 tables
so that when they pick a movie from a drop down list to borrow, the borrowed
check box in the movie table gets checked. Can someone help me out? Also I
don't know how to make a relationship between the tables. In the movie table
there is movie id, movie title, num of copies and borrowed (yes/no). In the
friend table there is the usual stuff about them (name, phone, etc) and this
is where the problem is. I need them to be able to pick the movie from a
drop down and then it must get placed in field in that table - whether it be
a movie borrowed field or movie title field.

Anyway if anyone has any suggestions or sample databases that would be
great. My friends always take my movies and never return them. When I go to
watch one I never know who has it!

Ed Robichaud

You'll need a better data structure than the 2 tables you have now. Look at
the Asset Management template that ships with Access for ideas. You should
be able to create a new database based on that template and your responses
to the wizards, then modify it to your needs. Saves a bunch of time for

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