Moving a bound form to a record



The standard way to do this is locating the record with recordsetclone, then
me.bookmark = me.recordsetclone.bookmark.

Is there any other way to move a form to a specific record?

The reason I ask is, I am using Access as a front end to a postgres database
on a Unix box, connecting with ODBC. This has worked very well for years,
but with one flaw. Access will move to a selected record using the
recordsetclone technique, but only for about the first 4 requests. After
that, the code

Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "MasterRegistrationID = " & cstr(lngKey)

doesn't even execute, the system stays at the last record located.

If anyone knows of another way to move a form to a specific record, I would
appreciate hearing about it.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Jeff Boyce

An alternate approach would be to base the form on a query that uses a
selection criterion to return a single record.

"Which record?", you ask?

Add a combobox (unbound) to the form (I prefer putting this in the header,
but whatever...). Use that combobox to display enough info to allow
selection of the record you wish displayed in the form. In the combobox's
AfterUpdate event, requery the form:

The net effect of this approach is that, when you first open the form, no
record is displayed (after all, nothing's been selected in the combobox).
After the desired record is selected in the combobox, the query runs again
and returns the record, displaying it in the form.

Does that do what you want?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


This sounds like it will do what I want. I will set this up in the next day
or so and report back on how it works.

Thanks Jeff.


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