Moving a Start Date back for a task moves the actual work also back.




We are using Project Server 2003 with Service Pack 1.
We use "Managed Time Period".

I noticed that ,in case for a task a resource has reported some Actual
Work on Dec 15 with the assignment start date as Dec 15 .And after that
if we change the start date of the task to Nov 29 then it moves the
Actual Work from Dec 15 to Nov 29.

It does make some sense to me , coz basically if actual work was not
done than the assignment has not started by then. I hope I am making
sense here.

But I want to come up with a more concrete explanation for my users,
for this behaviour.

We don't use any baselines. Could this be a potential problem.

Thanks a lot in advance !!!


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


What would you expect the system to do with actual work when you change the
actual start date of the task? Are you saying that the resource didn't
actually work on the task on 12/15? Are you saying that the resource entered
the actual work in the wrong week? Are you saying that no actual work
occurred? How would you expect software to be able to determine which
scenario or other possibility I haven't thought of, might apply?

If you change the actual start date of a task after entering actual work,
the system will move the work with the task and its duration characteristics
in as much of a preserved state as it can, unless you also introduce other
parameters that otherwise alter the actual work characteristics such as
changing calendars and schedule contours.


Hi Gary

Thanks a lot for this information.
I can understand what you are saying.

Is there any way we can stop Managers from changing the Actual Start
Sort of lock it down from modification.

I think the Managers here are not changing the Actual Start Date
but it could be the result of trying to do some other adjustment , like
increasing the work on a task , or changing the number of resources
alloted on a task or something else.
I am sorry , but I am unable to give you the exact scenario.

BTW we are using 'Fixed Work' type tasks.

So I thought , if we could 'LOCK' the actual start date than we could
solve this problem of the 'Actual Work' shifting.

The ultimate issue for our client is that of Cost. Since the Cost is
calculated from the 'Actual Work' and not the 'Actual Work Protected'
we are unable to say with any degree of certainty that the 'Actual
Cost' is 'real'.

Thanks a lot for your reply and patience with my long mails.


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


The fact that things like this are getting changed is a strong indication
poor training on the tool and/or badly structured project plans. Usually,
one accompanies the other.

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