The graph I am creating has a lot of noise in it. I want to smooth it out.
Right now I am using a moving average trendline that kind of does the trick.
When I do this I want to be able to work with the points that it has created
to make the trendline. Is there a way to get the points that this line makes
up? Or is there a way to filter the points in the graph such as take every
tenth data point or would I have to do that with the original set used to
make the graph by using a macro or something like that?
Right now I am using a moving average trendline that kind of does the trick.
When I do this I want to be able to work with the points that it has created
to make the trendline. Is there a way to get the points that this line makes
up? Or is there a way to filter the points in the graph such as take every
tenth data point or would I have to do that with the original set used to
make the graph by using a macro or something like that?