Moving Calculations to a master sheet



I have a workbook where I calculate pool game match scores and player
handicaps. I have a system page with system named range. Handicaps sheet with
Handicaps named range. Schedule sheet with Players named range. I calculate
the handicaps based on win/loss and then I need to have the final value
returned to the handicaps sheet for the proper player. I use a VLOOKUP to get
the player information including handicap. I just can't figure out how to go
about getting the values returned. I have 6 match sheets named Match 1
through Match 6. I have everything working perfectly except this last step.
Any ideas or help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I have
almost resigned myself to needing VBA but I have never used it and don't know
where to start. If you need more information I will be glad to give it to you.

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