moving cell contents (automatically)



I have a spread sheet that contains one column of information. That column
contains client addresses. Each line of the address is in a seperate cell
(Name in A1, Street in A2, City,State,Zip in A3). This pattern continues
through about 1000 contacts. I need to move the contents out from a single
colum to three colums where column A would be Name, B would be Street, and C
would be City,State,Zip.

Is there a way to have excel do this automatically. Say move every 2nd cell
to colum B and every 3rd cell to column C.

By the way, I am using Office XP, but have 2003 at home if needed.

Thanks in advance.



one method
in B1 enter =A2
in C1 enter =A3
in D1 enter =mod(Row(),3)
copy B1:D1 and paste to the bottom of the date
Select all
Copy and paste special values
and <data><Filter><Autofilter>
in column D filter arrows select Custom Not equal to 1
Select all of the rows except row 1 (Because of the way that autofilter
works the top row is not filtered)
delete these rows

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