Is it possible to -
1. Re-arrange values in a single cell into numerical order within the
cell? - to explain - cell A1 looks like 25 4 11 29 16 - how do I make it
look like - 4 11 16 25 29
2. Copy each of a number of values in a single cell to it's own cell? - to
explain, using the above example - cell B1 would end up with the value 25,
B2 would have 4, B3 would have 11, and so on
I'm sure this can be done through a VB scripts and thus a macros, but I
don't have quite enough knowledge to write them
There are faster sorting routines, but a simple bubblesort should be adequate for this.
To enter this Macro (Sub), <alt-F11> opens the Visual Basic Editor.
Ensure your project is highlighted in the Project Explorer window.
Then, from the top menu, select Insert/Module and
paste the code below into the window that opens.
To use this Macro (Sub), first select the cell(s) to process.
The cells do not need to be contiguous
There is no testing for overwriting
The routine clears the column adjacent to the selected cell before running.
Then <alt-F8> opens the macro dialog box. Select the macro by name, and <RUN>.
Option Explicit
Sub SortCell()
Dim c As Range, rg As Range
Dim v As Variant
Dim i As Long
Set rg = Selection
For Each c In rg
v = Split(c.Text)
c.Offset(0, 1).EntireColumn.ClearContents
c.Offset(0, 1).Resize(rowsize:=UBound(v) - LBound(v) + 1) = _
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
'enough zero's to be longer than longest number
'if it can vary considerably, we can test for it
v(i) = Format(v(i), "000000")
Next i
SingleBubbleSort v
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
v(i) = CLng(v(i))
Next i
c.Value = Join(v)
Next c
End Sub
Sub SingleBubbleSort(TempArray As Variant)
'copied directly from
Dim Temp As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim NoExchanges As Integer
' Loop until no more "exchanges" are made.
NoExchanges = True
' Loop through each element in the array.
For i = 0 To UBound(TempArray) - 1
' If the element is greater than the element
' following it, exchange the two elements.
If TempArray(i) > TempArray(i + 1) Then
NoExchanges = False
Temp = TempArray(i)
TempArray(i) = TempArray(i + 1)
TempArray(i + 1) = Temp
End If
Next i
Loop While Not (NoExchanges)
End Sub