Francis Hookam
Good old Mac XL has the wonderful facility for moving columns around
Select col
Cmnd (or whatever you call the Apple key) + X
Click the head of the col you want it moved in front of
Hey presto! Done - as simple as that
Having to use PC XL after so long I miss some of the niceties I have got
used to
Does the PC XL have this columns swapping facility and is there anywhere
where such differences are listed?
Again thanks for the amazing help you all give
Francis Hookham
In Mac XL:
Cmnd + K used to remove a selected col - now it annoyingly (for me anyway)
opens the Hyperlink dialog box - can I change that back?
Fortunately Ctrl click still inserts a column
Same of course with rows but it is mostly cols where I use these facilities
Select col
Cmnd (or whatever you call the Apple key) + X
Click the head of the col you want it moved in front of
Hey presto! Done - as simple as that
Having to use PC XL after so long I miss some of the niceties I have got
used to
Does the PC XL have this columns swapping facility and is there anywhere
where such differences are listed?
Again thanks for the amazing help you all give
Francis Hookham
In Mac XL:
Cmnd + K used to remove a selected col - now it annoyingly (for me anyway)
opens the Hyperlink dialog box - can I change that back?
Fortunately Ctrl click still inserts a column
Same of course with rows but it is mostly cols where I use these facilities