Elliott Roper said:
Oh, all right! DeleteWord is almost sensible and DeleteBackWord has the
makings of a charming pun, but even which such benign examples there is
no consistencey with other commands. Why not WordDelete? After all, we
have FileOpen, FileDelete, WordUnderline, WordRight. Is DeleteWord in
the Edit category? Nope! Is it in *any* category? Nope!
Oops - it should be consistent with WordRight (or RightWord).
In general, I prefer the noun first.
We do have SentRightExtend. With the obvious keystroke combo already
taken by some webby command. You see the pattern?
Neither do I.
No, but I guess I'm a little inured to it since I've been using them
long enough that I can usually find what I want on the first try. From a
new user's perspective, it's horrendous.
And don't get me started on the tiny little customize keyboard
selection boxes lost on that huge dialog and the *almost* total lack of
keyboard control over the scrolling.
In spite of fierce competition, inconsistent keyboard operation (with
unbidden modal dialogs) and key assignment is far and away the most
poorly designed and poorly executed aspect of Word v.X.
While I don't necessarily agree that it's the most poorly designed part
of Word's interface (primarily because it's used so infrequently), I
agree that that dialog should have been scrapped long ago.
If there were any part of Word that *has* to be right, for people to
use every day, this is it.
Perhaps a bit of an overstatement. From my experience, the fraction of
the population that tries to customize *anything* in Word (Win or Mac)
is in the high single digits. Most of my Word customers, and close to
half of my Windows customers, use only a few, if any, keyboard shortcuts
at all, even after gentle "guidance". I work with several large
companies' administrative employees regularly, and nearly all of them
Open, Close, Save, Print, Find, and Replace via the menus.
Drives me up the wall (but I smile and take my fee)...
For the power user, I agree that it's essential.