Moving Cursor to A Specific Section



I have a form that has two radio buttons for yes/no
answers. If the user selects the "no" option, I would
like the form to go to a specific section for the user to
fill out some information. Does anyone have a suggestion
on how to get the cursor into the section and for that
section to appear on the screen?

Thanks in advance!

Jonathan West

Michele said:
I have a form that has two radio buttons for yes/no
answers. If the user selects the "no" option, I would
like the form to go to a specific section for the user to
fill out some information. Does anyone have a suggestion
on how to get the cursor into the section and for that
section to appear on the screen?

The following line will move the selection to the start of section 4.

Selection.Goto Unit:=wdGoToSection, Which:= wdGoToAbsolute, Count:=4


-----Original Message-----

The following line will move the selection to the start of section 4.

Selection.Goto Unit:=wdGoToSection, Which:= wdGoToAbsolute, Count:=4

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup


Thanks so much! That worked perfectly except I had to
change the word "Unit" to "What" in my version (2002). I
have done a considerable amount of coding in Access and
Excel, but this is my first attempt in Word and there seem
to be some differences in moving around.


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