Moving Data Automaticaly



Can you help

I have a table (part shown below) the Date and Day moves automaticaly to
left at midnight - is it possible to get the rest of the data to move as well

25-Nov 26-Nov 27-Nov 28-Nov
Sun Mon Tue Wed
07:00 07:00
on off on off on off on off
1 1
1 1

1 1

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Bernard Liengme

Please explain meaning of "date and day MOVES to left"
Are you using conditionally formatting to highlight the cell with the
current date?
best wishes


No I have =today() in the first date box and then the cell number + 1 in the
rest - as the date changes so everything moves across

Bernard Liengme

Copy the row with the date down to the next row; format the new cell with
Custom Format of dddd to give Sunday, Monday,....

In A3 enter =NOW() and format as time

Not sure what else you want.
best wishes

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