Moving data



I am attempting to combine information from one sheet into another and I do
not have a clue how to do this for almost a thousand contacts. Any
suggestions? Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Below is an example of what sheet 1 and sheet 2 look like:

Sheet 1

Co. Name Address City Zip
ABC 123 Oak Abe 91456

Sheet 2

Co Name ABC
Address 123 Oak
City Abe
Zip 91456

Hans Knudsen

melbeline said:
I am attempting to combine information from one sheet into another
and I do not have a clue how to do this for almost a thousand
contacts. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Below is an example of what sheet 1 and sheet 2 look like:

Sheet 1

Co. Name Address City Zip
ABC 123 Oak Abe 91456

Sheet 2

Co Name ABC
Address 123 Oak
City Abe
Zip 91456

I am not quite sure what you want.
If you have data as:

Co. Name Address City Zip
ABC 123 Oak Abe 91456
in A1:D(x) in Sheet1 and you want your data to appear as:

123 Oak
in A1:A(4x) in Sheet2
then enter in Sheet2!A1 the formula:


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