Moving Desktop Icons



I have a company issued laptop and everytime I log in and out or undock my
lap top, my desktop icons move all over the place. I then need to spend time
relocating them on my desktop or give up and just start digging for them. I
like to have them around the border and not all bunched up to one side.



This has _nothing_ to do with Microsoft Word.

Right-click your Windows Desktop, go to Arrange Icons By... then select Auto
Arrange to remove the check. This may or may not work depending on your
version of Windows, so if not post to the appropriate Windows newsgroup - or
try using Windows Help.

Jay Freedman

This has _nothing_ to do with Microsoft Word.

True, but wandering icons are such an annoyance that I feel sorry for
Alina. An excellent (free) solution is Desktop Restore, which you can
download from

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


Jay Freedman said:
I feel sorry for Alina.

Yeah, me too... That's why I pointed her in a somewhat right direction
rather than beating up on her for _not_ organizing her stuff better rather
than dumping decorative piles of files on the Desktop in the first place :-}

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