Moving e-mails to a folder


Dick Bell

Using Outlook 2002.
When I move an e-mail to a folder the e-mail is disappearing. I have been
able to do this in the past.
I have checked other pst file to see if they are there.

Where are they going?


If you know the some of the text in the subject or body of these emails, try
doing a search for them.

Dick Bell

I have already tried that with no success.
Richard said:
If you know the some of the text in the subject or body of these emails,
doing a search for them.

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook

Have a check of the VIEW you are using for the other folder (the view window
is on the advanced toolbar). Maybe it's set to Unread messages.

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

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