I'm formatting an article using the manuscript rules for a journal which
requires the Endnote references to be at the end of the article text, before
the tables and figures. The document was given to me with all of the
references at the end, and I'm trying (in vain) to move them to what will be
approximately the middle of the document, after the article text, but before
the tables and figures. I used Microsoft Help, which told me to use
"Insert" , point to "Reference" and click "Footnote". Then under "Location"
click "Endnotes" then click the option you want and click "Apply." This
must not be the correct instructions for what I'm trying to do, as nothing
happens. I also tried inserting a section break after the text body, and
then putting the references there, but I couldn't get that to work either.
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give.
Nan Holcomb
Research Coordinator
Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center
Voice Phone: 206-744-9462
Fax Phone: 206-744-9962
US Mail to: 325 9th Ave, Box 359960
Seattle, WA 98104
Street Address for deliveries: 401 Broadway 4th Floor, S/W 98122
Email is made available to University of Washington faculty and staff solely
for the purpose of facilitating effective business operations. All email
messages are subject to public disclosure laws and may be obtained as a
public record.
I'm formatting an article using the manuscript rules for a journal which
requires the Endnote references to be at the end of the article text, before
the tables and figures. The document was given to me with all of the
references at the end, and I'm trying (in vain) to move them to what will be
approximately the middle of the document, after the article text, but before
the tables and figures. I used Microsoft Help, which told me to use
"Insert" , point to "Reference" and click "Footnote". Then under "Location"
click "Endnotes" then click the option you want and click "Apply." This
must not be the correct instructions for what I'm trying to do, as nothing
happens. I also tried inserting a section break after the text body, and
then putting the references there, but I couldn't get that to work either.
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give.
Nan Holcomb
Research Coordinator
Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center
Voice Phone: 206-744-9462
Fax Phone: 206-744-9962
US Mail to: 325 9th Ave, Box 359960
Seattle, WA 98104
Street Address for deliveries: 401 Broadway 4th Floor, S/W 98122
Email is made available to University of Washington faculty and staff solely
for the purpose of facilitating effective business operations. All email
messages are subject to public disclosure laws and may be obtained as a
public record.