Moving Fields (In Ver. 2007)



It's just a simple thing, moving a field, but with this new version, it's
driving me nuts! How can I move just the label? How can I move both label
and field to a different position? It won't let me move them.

Can I no longer choose just the label? (In 2003, the pointer would turn
into a hand/finger when hovering over the upper left corner of the field.)
If I change the size of the field box, the entire row of fields change, too.
The HELP feature of Office 2007 is NOT helpful. It's so frustrating!

Thank you.



MB, in design mode do the fields have dashed lines around them when
selected? Do they all move together when you try to move only one? If so,
here's the fix:
In report design mode, select the target textboxes.
Then, with the ribbon -
Report Layout Tools, select the Arrange tab.
In the Control Layout group, click REMOVE.
All the dashed lines should disappear and your controls and labels should
become independent.

HTH, UpRider

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