Moving files to new user account



I created a new administrator account on my PC and want to delete the old one
that I was using. If I back up the PST files, can I copy under the new user
account or do I have to import it? There is also a wizard that starts up to
build the BCM database. I am able to copy the database to the new account or
do I have to build it first?


I created a new administrator account on my PC and want to delete the old one
that I was using.  If I back up the PST files, can I copy under the new user
account or do I have to import it?  There is also a wizard that starts up to
build the BCM database.  I am able to copy the database to the new account or
do I have to build it first?

Regarding the BCM db:

You could try copying the .MDF file with the BCM database from the old
user's folder to the equivalent folder for the new user. With BCM 2007
the old database should then show up as selectable.

As an alternative you could trying backing up the old database with
BCM, then have the new user restore the old database into a new

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