Moving files to other directories in same web.


Steve Horrillo

If I mistakenly put, for example, a image file in the main directory and I
drag it up to the images folder everything works great. But let's say I have
a file in the image directory and I want to move it to the main, or another
directory while having FP keep track of it? Since FP will not open in a duel
pane like windows explorer does, how do you move a file back to it's proper
directory? If I use import it seems the links are not preserved.

Warmest regards,

Steve Horrillo, Realtor / CEO / C.Ht. (Advanced Training for Real Estate
Professionals) (See How to Earn Over 100 Percent at EXIT Realty)
http::/ (Find a FSBO Friendly Real Estate Professional)

Thomas A. Rowe

Switch to folder view and then drag it to the folder you want.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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