Moving from One Computer to Another


Lisa AGA

What files do I need to retrieve from my old computer and then move them to
my new computer so I can be sure to still have all my profiles, and auto
complete entries and anything else you can think that I might need so it will
be the way it was on my old computer? I did move all my .n2k files over
although they do not show up in my profile drop down menu. Going from Win2k
w/Outlook 03 to WinXP w/Outlook 03.

Any help would be great.

Thanks! Lisa

Lisa AGA

I negelcted to tell you that we cannot get to that wizard, it is disabled
onour systems, maybe a policy or something.

Brian Tillman

Lisa AGA said:
What files do I need to retrieve from my old computer and then move
them to my new computer so I can be sure to still have all my
profiles, and auto complete entries and anything else you can think
that I might need so it will be the way it was on my old computer? I
did move all my .n2k files over although they do not show up in my
profile drop down menu. Going from Win2k w/Outlook 03 to WinXP
w/Outlook 03.

See if this helps:
Use the Microsoft Office Tools Save My Settings Wizard to transfer your
account information.

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