Moving hyperlinks from 2003 to 2007



I have generated an excel worksheet in 2003 with a list that every row has
one cell with hyperlink to another sheet within the same workbook. In the
second sheet I have named each cell/box with TNxx (xx represents sequential
number). Then, in each box I have added a long text. It was working fine in
2003, and my lists grew up to hundreds of rows.
When I have moved to Excel 2007, I got an error message that “TNxx†is a
reference to a cell in a sheet (I assume that Excel 2003 did not supported
this range of columns), and got recommendation to fix it automatically and it
does not work.
Currently I am saving the file in 97-2003 format, but I would like to move
to 2007.
Do you have any suggestion how to solve this hyperlink problem?

Dave Peterson

If you open the workbook in xl2007, don't you get the offer to change these
names (prefacing them with an underscore, like: _TN99).

If that's true, then ...

If you used the =hyperlink() formula, maybe you can select that range and do an
Edit|Replace (or xl2007 equivalent).

If you used Insert|hyperlink (xl2003 menus), you'll have more work to do. But
the good news is David McRitchie has done most of it for you:
look for:
Fix Hyperlinks (#FixHyperlinks)

If you're new to macros:

Debra Dalgleish has some notes how to implement macros here:

David McRitchie has an intro to macros:

Ron de Bruin's intro to macros:

(General, Regular and Standard modules all describe the same thing.)

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