Moving Inboxes between computers



Here's one for you outlook experts. outlook 2003 here - moving from
one laptop to another. I exported my inbox / outbox etc. from one one
laptop - using MS Access of course otherwise it truncates the body
texts to 255. If I look in the MS Access database all fields are
there. I import to the new outlook on new machine (same version,
2003). I do the field mapping otherwise it loses most things. I have a
problem with the from fields. It appears as if there are two from
fields - FromName - the person's name - and fromAddress - the persons
email address. I map these to the appropriate outlook fields. All
seems to import OK - but when I review my inbox messages I only see
the fromName - and not the address. I've tried without success to
change the view settings but can't seem to see a field for fromName -
any one any idea?

Unfortunately ,most of these emails were from people not in my address
book (which transferred OK). When I type the first part of someone's
email address who had written to me before, on my old outlook I get
the autosuggest thing coming - don't get this on the new setup. Any
idea on this one?

Ta Much


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