Moving Ink and Containers on a page


Steve Cann.

I really like OneNote, but I have one frustration:

I like to link containers by drawing a line between them - something like a
mind map. Then, If I select a group of containers and the ink lines and try
to move the whole group, the containers move but the ink stays put.

Am I doing something wrong here? Is there a way that I should be able to get
the ink lines to move in sync with the containers?

Many thanks,

Steve Cann.

Steve Cann.

Oh, I've just found out how to do this. Hold down the CTRL key while
selecting the bits to be moved! Hope others find this useful.



I draw lines and circle things on a page but if I want to add a line of text
or input something the pen ink (or highlighter) doesn't move with it so now
my circle, lines and highlights aren't where they should be. I hold the
control key and it doesn't do it.

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