Moving labels in a scatter plot


Ian Belcher

I've got about 40-50 points in a scatter plot all with lables that are about
5 characters long. Many of these labels overlap with each other and with
other data points.

Is there a way to automatically move the labels that are overlapping? I can
do it by hand, but it takes a while to do.

Thank you

Andy Pope

Hi Ian,

There is nothing automatic or built-in to do this.
Perhaps you could make use of the F4 (repeat) button. Select one of the
labels and adjust its alignment property to say Above. Now use the
cursor keys (left/right) to move through the other data labels. Press F4
to set any suitable labels to Above alignment. Repeat for Below / left /
Of course your layout of data points and labels may mean that the
standard locations will not solve your problem.

I have done a little work on this using code but its not ready for
public consumption. Drop me a private email if you want to discuss this


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