when i have a large number of queries in access that i need to rewrite in
sql; i use this method
a) push all the access qdf.sql into a table
b) add a column for the tsql version of that code.
c) use update queries in order to replace the semicolon-- or anyhting else
that you want to replace
d) loop through the tsql and try to create everything as a view first, and
then as a sproc (a lot of people have stacked queries in access and relying
on views gets it up-- but it frequently works best to remove stacked views
if you're having performance problems)
e) get some sort of coutn of how many queries are left to create
f) if you store the status for all this in a table; it's pretty
straightforward to join sysobjects to the objects that are complete and then
get a list of which objects haven't been created yet
g) if you dive into it; basically the conversion from access to sql is just
a series of replaces that you need to run on the accessql in order to
massage it into legit tsql
like previously where you used the phrase 'NOW()' you would swap in
'GETDATE()' instead
where you use the word date, replace the word 'DATE()' with
convert(datetime, (convert(int, getdate()-.5))
when you have updates on joins; you'll need to basically rewrite them one by
I suspect that when the OP asked for an "easy" way, he was hoping to do it
by simply pressing a button!
You have mentioned Now() and Date(), but of course there are hundreds of
Access/Jet functions that could have been used that will need to be
converted somehow, not to mention user-defined functions written in VBA.
Also, anywhere that a query grabs a parameter directly from a form will need
to be looked at and may require some redesign of the application, not just
the query.