Moving messages from Exchange to a personal folder takes 10 secs?



Dell XPS M170 2.0ghz and 2.0GB RAM
Windows Vista Beta 2 (CPP)
Office 2007 Beta (12.0.4017.1006)
Outlook connecting to Exchange Server 2003

When moving email messages from the Inbox to a personal folder (*.pst file
on the local filesystem), it takes anywhere between 10 to 30 seconds to move
the item. When moving from one folder to another folder within a personal
folder, the response is often sub-second. What can I do to troubleshoot this
Inbox-to-PST delay?

The *.pst file is greater than 1GB, but Outlook 2003 did not exhibit the
same extended response times with the same *.pst file (sub-second response).

Thank you.


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