moving off of grid



this is a re-post... no answers yet. am having trouble using lines, squares
ovals, etc in a 2002 ms word doc with
grid lock, with grid showing. I have a line that I cannot move or delete
without the entire project skipping off the grid. It makes no difference if
I disable 'snap to grid'. What's happening, and how can I fix this ??

thanks in advance


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Jnr,

Not sure I can help, but...

What do you mean, more exactly, by "skipping off the grid"? Do you mean
nothing aligns anymore? Or that it behaves as if the alignement or indents
relative to the page suddenly change? Is any of this stuff grouped? Or is it
in a "Drawing canvas"? When you manipulate the line in question are you
affecting the text at all? Any chance this underlined text?
this is a re-post... no answers yet. am having trouble using lines, squares
ovals, etc in a 2002 ms word doc with
grid lock, with grid showing. I have a line that I cannot move or delete
without the entire project skipping off the grid. It makes no difference if
I disable 'snap to grid'. What's happening, and how can I fix this ??

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


(I meant to post this to group rather than 'reply')

I mean just that... everything just goes catawampus !! No, it isn't in a
drawing canvas, and this particular line I am moving isn't associated with
text at all. What happens is some lines stay in place, and other lines and
objects jump out of place, and I have to 'undo move object' in order to go
back to original placing of all objects. Strange, ehhh !!? Maybe it's a
poltergeist ha ha..



btw, I did move this 'infected' line, and now I had to go through the entire
document, move it from the place it was knocked to, and realign it back onto
the grid. Quite frustrating. Also, when I select from the toolbar to place
another line, square or circle, the grid flashes off the screen, and I am
taken to another page where I now need to scroll up to the page I am working
on to insert the item I chose from the toolbar. Then everything returns to
normal again.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Jnr,
I mean just that... everything just goes catawampus !!
Well, this is the first time I've ever encountered the term 'catawampus',
so, while I get the general gist, it really doesn't tell me what's happening
in terms I can visualize
No, it isn't in a
drawing canvas, and this particular line I am moving isn't associated with
text at all.
mmm, well in the strictest terms, every drawing object is associated with
text, since it's anchored to a range of text. If you're not seeing the
anchors, you can turn that on in Tools/Options/View.
What happens is some lines stay in place, and other lines and
objects jump out of place, and I have to 'undo move object' in order to go
back to original placing of all objects. Strange, ehhh
Well, it sounds like something in the document structure may have been

...but I'm still a big confused about "with grid lock, with grid showing. I
have a line that I cannot move or delete without the entire project skipping
off the grid."

When I have a grid displayed, the grid covers the entire area of a page, up
to the margins. And that on every page. So you're saying the drawing objects
all move off into the margins? How much text is there on the page? And
what's the text flow in relation to these graphical objects? (Square, tight,
behind, in front...)

What you describe reminds me a little bit about what happens when the text
to which graphics are anchored all of a sudden is aligned to a different
position on the page (changed indent, for example). All of a sudden, all the
objects anchored to the text jump the same amount, in the same direction,
UNLESS they're formatted to NOT "move with text", but relative to the page.

And the next factor is, that a graphic will always be on the same page as
the paragraph to which it is anchored. So if text wrap formatting is forcing
a paragraph to another page, that will "drag along" the graphical object.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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