Moving Office software



I just got a new hard drive and I am using my old hard
drive as a backup. Can anyone tell me how to get my
office 2000 onto my new hard drive so I can still use it.
My disks are ruined thanks to my 3 year old son. Thank
you in advance for your help.

Randall Arnold

I feel your pain-- my kids have the same hobby.

If you want to move the entire drive image over, that's fairly easy.
Utilities like DriveCopy or DriveImage will do the trick. I *used* to a
copy of DriveImage that only copied certain applications and their registry
settings, but I don't know if the newer ones still have that ability. Check
with the folks at for more info.

Also, try hitting MS up for replacement disks. They don't cost near as much
as a new, full set.

Randall Arnold

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