Moving Project Server 03 project to MSPS 07


Greg DC

I was recently given new responsibilities in IT when our former Manager move
out of the company. He had been the sole person working with bringing up the
MSPS 07 server. We now all can see this server and the projects. However
there are several projects in the Project Server 03 that he had not reviewed
and brought over.

That is now my problem. How do I get back into the old server, finish the
review, and move those projects over? I know that 2007 can not read 2003.

Any and all help welcome!


Ben Howard

Hi Greg, this is a very big question. I would 1st point you to the
deployment and migration information on Technet. Once you've read that
revist the forum and re-post. In the meantime here is some food for

1. You could open the Project from 2003 server and save as an MPP file, and
then import this into 2007.
2. You could migrate some of the projects in the database across.
3. You could cut 'n' paste (but you don't want to really).
4. You could get a consultant in to help you out.

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