Moving schedules between instances of Project Server 2007



I have about 20 schedules (separate .mpp files) that were created and saved
in a Test Instance of Project Server 2007. I need to move all 20 to a
Production Instance of PRoject Server 2007. This schedule set consists of one
"Master Give/Get" schedule that ties external dependencies between the
remaining schedules. So the 19 schedules have external dependancies ONLY to
"Master Give/Get".

I want to avoid breaking and having to redo the external links. What is my
approach (sequence) to loading the schedules so that if possible, I don't
break the links? Or is there an import/export facility that might be useful
for this task?

Thanks in advance

Gary L. Chefetz


Mike Mahoney

You'll need to recreate these, so document them on paper, or document them
in the system by setting a flag field to indicate an external dependency and
note the dependency task in the notes field.

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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Do cross project dependencies in the mpp files saved from the test
system identify a projectserver path to the dependency (<>\plan) or an
"mpp" path. If you have saved the plans and retained the project
server path, I see no reason why you cannot import them into the new
server and the relationships should be sustained.



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