Moving Schedules between MOPS 2007 Instances. Export? Compare?


Bruce McF

We worked in parallel on an older MOPS 2007 instance/image while doing
building a new clean MOPS 2007 "Producution" instance. Offline schedules
created with the first instance do not import to the Production instance.
Import/Export attempts ... with XML being most successful ... have all failed
to reliably bring the active schedules into the new Production MOPS 2007

Is there a reliable intermediate form for schedule export that migrates all
relevant data ... including Enterprise Custom Field (values only)?

Is there a reliable project compare tool that can verify the migration by
identifying any differences?

Bruce McF


No. This first instance is an old one that we spun up ourselves as part of
the learning process. The second is a fresh install.

We will create Staging. Test and Production instances based on the fresh
install. We are trying to port the old schedules to the new instance.
That's why we are looking for some clean intermediate form to pass them
through. The XML seems to be close.

Perhaps this will all be moot once we get the current schedules to the new


Any thoughts on a thorough Compare tool ... either directly against .mpp or
against some intermediate form? Thanks.

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