Moving signature controls into view sections


Tillman Erb

I'm seeking help on moving signatures in a form view. The view has eleven
sections, each of which requires a signature in a consecutive workflow. I'm
using conditional formatting to hide sections that are farther along the
workflow than the current section.

When I add signatures to the form, they are placed outside of the sections
and therefore aren't hidden along with their corresponding section. The
result is an awkward UI. For example, when a new form is initiated, it shows
section 1 only, but all eleven "Click here to sign..." buttons.

I'd like to place the signature controls inside their respective sections,
but the signature controls aren't displayed in the view designer. I've tried
moving the signature blocks directly in the xsl file for the view, but I run
into errors.

Any ideas? Similar experiences?

Tillman Erb

I have resolved this issue by figuring out how to edit the view.xsl file. I
placed the signature block inside the xsl:if tags that control display of the
section, but not within the div tags that contain the section content itself:

<xsl:template ...> = the greater container for the section
<xsl:if ...> = the condition that controls hide/show of the section
<div ...> = the div containing the section controls
<div ...> = the signature block div

Warning: I have been developing using VisualStudio and the InfoPath
designer. As feared, the InfoPath designer mangles direct edits of the
view.xsl files such as the one above, so proceed with caution and make a
backup copy of the xsl contained within the view.xsl files before you make
any changes in the InfoPath designer. (If there's a way to prevent InfoPath
from mangling code similar to the options available in the VisualStudio
designer, I haven't found it!)

~ Tillman

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